Cats are unique creatures that have lived with us for hundreds of years. But surviving in our world is not so easy. The most defenseless are kittens, who for some reason are left alone in this big world.
This defenseless baby was found on the streets in Warwick, England. The baby had a wounded leg and was very weak. Kind people took her to the local Warwick Veterinary Hospital.
Unfortunately, the baby, nicknamed Peggy, was left without a sore paw and weighed only 200 grams. But after surgery, she showed what a fighter she could be. Peggy started to eat a lot and gained weight rapidly.
A volunteer named Kate took the kitten into care and immediately decided to introduce it to her pet dog Moon. The dog immediately took the kitten under her guardianship, protecting her and not moving a step away from her.
Moon watched her feline «baby’s» every move, licking her and soothing her when she began to squeak. The dog showed true maternal instincts next to the baby.
Moon watched her feline «baby’s» every move, licking her and soothing her when she began to squeak. The dog showed true maternal instincts next to the baby.
Despite missing one paw, Peggy is growing up to be an active, playful, and affectionate girl. She is very grateful to her furry nannies, and loves to spend time and play with them.
In a couple of weeks, when Peggy is old enough, they will begin to look for permanent owners for her. In the meantime, she is surrounded by caring nannies and is growing up to be the happiest kitten ever!