It has been mentioned many times about talented children of different ages and with different specializations. Their abilities and possibilities are truly immeasurable. They participate in thousands of shows and even reach the peak of fame. Today’s talented boy is just a street piano player. Among all musical instruments, today we singled out the piano, the notes of which are considered truly magical. There are countries that have street pianos. In the morning, when the whole city was hurrying to work, the sound of notes was suddenly heard from one of the street pianos. Everyone stopped to listen to the melody. From the very first note, everyone understood that the little boy was quite talented. He was playing Paul Simon and Art Galfunker’s ‘The Sound of Silence’.
But suddenly he changed the notes of the tune. The music was louder and more beautiful. The crowd was getting bigger and bigger. Everyone was delighted with the boy’s performance, he was a real talented young man who undoubtedly deserves to perform on big stages. Everyone was enthralled by his speech. It was really wonderful to be in such a high spirits so early in the morning. It was very nice for people to stop and listen. He was applauded enthusiastically and from the bottom of heart. His every sound penetrated deep into people’s hearts and caused great emotions and feelings. It was as if he wanted to penetrate people’s hearts and open hearts with his song. Even a casual passer-by stops and listens to his performance. He is great talent and great fame is waiting for him. W e hope that one day we shall see him on the stage in front of the audience.