Officials from the Indian Forest Department contacted the office of a prominent lawyer in the city. However, at the table, people suddenly saw a concentrated monkey: the animal was calmly scanning documents, as if it had been doing this all its life.
A strange scene took place at a lawyer’s office in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh. A group of the human rights activist’s clients simply looked at the animal in puzzlement for some time.
Then the employees of the law office entered the room, who were also surprised by the situation. Only the monkey himself remained unperturbed — she not only scanned the documents, but also looked through them.
They tried to distract the animal with a banana. The monkey ignored the treat, completely concentrating on “work.” Then she simply stood up, carefully placed the papers in a pile and went outside:
The video with the smart monkey quickly became popular online. Residents of India indicated in the comments that these animals often wander into houses out of curiosity.